Become a Member
The Guild has an extensive library of books, video tapes, periodicals and collections of fabric swatches. Members may borrow any of these items during a meeting.
In addition, the Guild has a number of looms and weaving equipment and accessories available for rental on a month by month basis. This can be arranged at one of the meetings or contacting one of the board members.
The Guild sponsors an Annual Show and Sale in November, all members are encouraged to sell their handmade work through this very popular venue.
The Guild publishes a monthly newsletter August through May, including information on museum exhibitions, shows and workshops relating to textiles and crafts.
Members may post equipment to sell through the Newsletter mailbox.
Members enjoy benefits of membership in MAFA.
Members enjoy the company of fellow weavers, spinners, basketmakers, beaders, knitters and felters from Morris, Somerset, Hunterdon, Union,
and Sussex counties in New Jersey.
The guild year is from September to June, and the dues are $30 per guild year.